Chicago IL is a great place for 17 year old teens looking for part time jobs. The city is bustling with opportunities for teens to gain some work experience and make some extra money. Whether you are looking for something to do in your free time or you are looking for a job to help pay for college, there are plenty of options to choose from. In this article, we will look at three of the best part time jobs for 17 year olds in Chicago IL.
1. Food Delivery Driver
One of the most popular part time jobs for 17 year olds in Chicago IL is food delivery driver. As the popularity of food delivery apps continues to grow, so do the number of opportunities for teens to make some extra money by delivering food. Most of the time, you will just be delivery food from local restaurants to customers. You will need to have your own vehicle and a valid driver's license. You will also be required to pass a background check.
2. Tutoring
Another great option for teens looking for part time jobs in Chicago IL is tutoring. There are many tutoring centers in the city that are always looking for talented and reliable tutors. You will be responsible for helping students with their studies, helping them to understand difficult concepts, and providing guidance and support. You will need to have a good understanding of the subject matter you will be teaching in order to be successful.
3. Retail Sales Associate
Retail sales associate is another great option for 17 year olds in Chicago IL. As a retail sales associate, you will be responsible for helping customers with their purchases, answering any questions they may have, stocking shelves, and keeping the store clean and organized. You will need to be outgoing and have good customer service skills. This job is great for teens who have a passion for fashion and retail.
These are just three of the great part time jobs for 17 year olds in Chicago IL. The city is full of opportunities for teens to gain work experience and make some extra money. Whether you are looking for something to do in your free time or you are looking for a job to help pay for college, there are plenty of options to choose from. So if you are looking for a part time job in Chicago IL, consider one of the options listed above.
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