In the year 2023, there are a variety of part time jobs available for those looking to make an extra income. Many of these jobs are available for those who don’t want to commit to a full time job, and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Here are the top 3 part time jobs that pay $10/hr or more:
1. Virtual Assistant
One of the most popular jobs that pay $10/hr or more is virtual assistant. As a virtual assistant, you will help a company or individual with tasks such as scheduling appointments, responding to emails, and managing social media accounts. This job is perfect for those with great organizational skills, as you will be responsible for keeping track of all of the client’s tasks. You can usually find virtual assistant positions through online job boards or freelancing websites.
2. Online Tutor
Another great part time job that pays $10/hr or more is online tutor. As an online tutor, you will help students with their homework and various school-related tasks. You can find online tutoring jobs through various websites, or even through your local school district. Depending on the type of tutoring job you get, you may be required to have a teaching certification or degree in a related field.
3. Social Media Manager
Social media managers are responsible for managing a company’s social media accounts. As a social media manager, you will be responsible for creating posts, responding to comments, and engaging with followers. This is an ideal job for someone who loves working with social media and has a knack for creating engaging content. You can find these types of jobs through online job boards or through freelance websites.
In the year 2023, there are plenty of part time jobs available that pay $10/hr or more. Whether you’re looking for a virtual assistant position, an online tutoring job, or a social media management job, there’s something out there for everyone. All you have to do is search online job boards or freelance websites to find the perfect job for you.
- Part Time Jobs
- $10/hr Part Time Jobs
- Virtual Assistant Jobs
- Online Tutor Jobs
- Social Media Manager Jobs
- 2023 Part Time Jobs
- Part Time Jobs 2023
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